
Should I Get A Twitter

Many of us have heard the saying, "It's not what you know, but who you know." This tends to ring true in almost everyone's professional career. Whether it's getting a new job or promotion, landing a new client, finding a partner, recruiting top talent or being covered by the press. It seems that career growth always comes down to who you know. That's why some of the most successful people meticulously manage their network and leverage connections to get ahead. It's the same reason why we spend our time at networking events, trade shows, and having coffees with folks we just met. If you believe in this concept then you must also be active on Twitter. This post will explain why and will give examples from real professionals who are using Twitter to get ahead in their careers.

Why Every Professional Should Have a Twitter Account

Reach of The Conversation

Why Every Professional Should Have a Twitter Account
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The open nature of Twitter is its biggest unique quality. While you can have conversations with your friends or connections on Facebook and Linked In, not everyone is privy to those conversations. Due to the transparent and public nature of Twitter, the reach of the conversation is much greater. Because users can see what others are talking about, the ability to jump into a conversation that is relevant and interesting is not only acceptable, it's expected. That feature is still distinctive to Twitter.

Connectivity and Branding

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In that same vein, users are able to connect with people (influencers, thought leaders and decision-makers) who would have otherwise been inaccessible in the physical world or over cold email. Twitter allows you to engage with individuals you normally wouldn't be able to contact by joining a conversation that they are already talking about. It also facilitates the growth of your personal brand since you are able to share your thoughts and amass followers. Doing this consistently means people are able to find you and connect on the topics that are most relevant to you. Being active on Twitter will also build your reputation as a thought leader on the topics you Tweet about most.


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The wealth of information available on Twitter is at your fingertips. On stage, brands and individuals compete for the attention of the audience. A wide range of topics and industries are covered. I started creating lists to maximize the platform. This allowed me to filter specific topics and group people and information efficiently. The lists you create will become your go-to resources for learning over time. This can be used to replace some blog subscriptions. My interests include marketing and finance, as well as learning and development (training).  In my research, I compiled a list of financial planners, industry organizations, and marketing experts.

But enough of hearsay! Here are some real-life examples of professionals using Twitter to accomplish their goals. These are the same experiences that you can have on Twitter and are the reasons why every professional should be on Twitter:

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Clare Tischer (Communications Manager at TechStars)
"Twitter allowed me to create my first product marketing gig with a family of restaurants in the Boulder/Denver area a few years ago. I reached out to them on Twitter, illustrating and documenting their gaps (lack of replies, missed opportunities to engage with diners) and they offered me a job."

John Cook (Co-Founder and Reporter at GeekWire)
"Twitter is a key part of my journalistic process. It allows me to find and interact directly with potential sources and keeps me abreast on breaking stories. It also helps me compile news. l use my Twitter updates as journalistic notes which gives me a reference when I go to write a full story."

Omri Mor (CEO and ScoutMaster at @ZIIBRA)
"For our company, getting in touch with decision-makers is key. In the arts and entertainment space, Twitter has become a substitute for most individuals' emails. Getting in touch via a Tweet or Direct Message is much more personal, and helps us land new clients every week."

Amar Sheth (Principal at Sales for Life)
"Twitter has allowed me to spread my ideas and concepts. I've had thought leaders ReTweet and share my content, which has brought incredible engagement. Most importantly, it's translated directly into opportunities in our company's pipeline as a result. It's the most powerful river of information in modern times."

Al Bsharah (Founder & CEO of Embarke)
"I met with a potential partner in person but forgot to exchange business cards. A few days later he found me on Twitter and now we have a call that could lead to mutually beneficial lead generation for both of us."

Shawn Graham (Small Business Marketing Consultant and Blogger )
"I was able to connect with Steve Gadlin of "I Want to Draw a Cat for You Fame" on ABC's Shark Tank. Within an hour of their first Tweet during the broadcast, we scheduled a phone call which ultimately led to a blog post, ReTweets from a few of the sharks, and a public relations case study I frequently share with my small business clients."

Daniela Luzi Tudor (Founder and CEO of SoundStrokes)
"A celebrity saw our product as an auction item at a charity event and Tweeted to us because she didn't have our contact information. Her promotion of us on Twitter directly caused an increase in followers and new sales!"

Matt Heinz (President of Heinz Marketing)
"Twitter is the microphone we've previously had to pay for. Now, it's free. Our daily tweets are read by more than 20,000 people now. Any idea how much that would have cost 20 years ago? Game changer."

Buzz Bruggeman (Co-Founder of ActiveWords)
"I have been watching Twitter for people using Win8.1 tablets and found three potential beta testers."

Javier Sandoval  (Student at Brown University)
"By following the accounts of new startups, I stumbled across the founders of Fanzo, began collaborating, and later joined the team. As a result, I got the unique experience of going through the TechStars startup accelerator as a college student! Only Twitter could have connected us."

Matt Dyor (Co-Founder and CEO of Payboard)
"We use Twitter to get feedback on our messaging and to connect with new customers who are looking to improve trial-to-paid conversion rates. Socedo makes it easy for us to meet people we can help."

Rishi Talwar (Co-Founder of Bottega8)
"I was able to connect with one of the top startup video bloggers in Seattle. After a few Tweets, we met up for coffee and I had the chance to fill him in on our company and vision."

Josh Lowry (GM of 2nd Watch, premier cloud partner with AWS).
" I met Matt Dyor, founder of the Eastside Incubator on Twitter. Meeting Matt led to speaking at the Eastside Incubator and TechStars where I have been able to help startup founders and other entrepreneurs increase their sales and marketing efforts and revenue results."

Dan Roberts (Director of Business Development at Tallwave)
"I was at a conference that used a common hashtag for the event. I was able to connect with several prospects and  potential partners by posting to the hashtag."

Final Words

Achieving your goals is a matter of putting effort into them. If you devote time, energy, and resources to Twitter, it will pay off for you. You should first build a strategy, listen to other people, and then begin sharing content. Additionally, you can also measure your campaigns using Hootsuite, Buffer, and SocialBro. Determine what works and doesn't work, and then adjust your strategy.  Whenever possible, ask for help.   The Twitter community is a global sharing community.   The world is filled with individuals who are willing to help each other succeed by sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Should I Get A Twitter


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